Financial Services Industry Statistics

In recent years the financial services sector has experienced a lot of growth and are continuing to grow. The global financial services industry is expected to reach 28 trillion dollars by 2025. Financial institutions are also taking on digital transformation which promises to increase efficiency and customer experience. In the UK alone, 93 percent of adults will have access to online banking by the end of 2022. Join us as we dig deeper into the latest financial services industry statistics below and uncover future trends.


There are a variety of sources of revenue in the financial services sector. Some are sales, and others are balance sheet. Banks make a lot of their revenue from consumer finance, payments, mutual funds. These types of services generally have a higher ROE than balance sheet revenues. These services generate approximately $1.3 trillion annually in the United States.

The ones that offer solutions to specific problems are the most effective financial-services firms. Klarna and Alipay simplify cash management for small-sized businesses. Square, which was previously a payment platform now provides value-added services to restaurants. In addition they connect their customers with other services, thereby delivering an experience that is unique to the customer. This allows them to attract more customers.

Globally, the financial services industry is expected to reach $25 trillion by 2025!

Non-operating revenue is a different kind of revenue. This type of revenue comes from secondary sources and can sometimes be unpredictable. This kind of revenue could be earned from grants, donations, and other sources. Grants or donations are usually a source of income for non-profit and charitable organizations. Universities can also make a profit from tuition fees and the investment returns they earn from their endowment fund investments.

A bar chart showing finance and insurance employment statistics from 2016 to 2023.

Number of employees

Financial service employees generally have the qualifications for the administrative exemption and are therefore not eligible for overtime pay. They are responsible for analyzing customer data and providing advice to customers, as well as marketing or promoting the company’s financial products. This sector can also include employees who act as intermediaries or end-users.

The U.S. financial services industry contributes $1.5 trillion to the nation’s GDP and employs over six million Americans. It employs more than 540,000 workers and 1,000 government agencies. It is expected to increase at a rate of 6% between 2020 and 2025.

This bar chart shows yearly data on the distribution of revenue between banking, finance, and insurance sectors of the economy. The date range is from 2016 to 2025.

In addition to banking, financial service companies offer insurance as well as investment management and commercial real estate. Together, these industries comprise 7.3 percent of the U.S. economy and employ 6.2 million people. This industry is highly competitive and requires highly educated individuals with financial expertise. This industry is highly sought after and offers numerous opportunities for advancement. In addition to the growing demand for employees, these businesses have a variety of unique styles of work.

Unemployment rate

The rates of unemployment in the financial services industry remain high in recent months, according to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics. The unemployment rate for October was 3.7 per cent, less than the previous month’s 3.7 per cent. The rate of participation in the labor force decreased to 62.2 percent in October, down from 62.3% in September. However the rate for young adults was still at 36.7 percent. While the long-term unemployment rate has slowed in recent months, it is still above the two-decade-lows that were reached just before the recession.

Unemployment rates are listed by industry in this chart.

The unemployment rate in the financial services industry is lower than the overall economy’s, but some industries are more secure than others. According to GOBankingRates, six sectors are considered recession-proof. These industries are predicted to have lower unemployment rates over the long term. These sectors include the finance and insurance industry, banking and insurance industry as well as the health care industry.

The financial services industry in the United States is huge. It contributes 7.4 percent of the GDP and employs more than 6 million people. The financial services industry contributes $1.5 trillion to the U.S. economy, and over 540,000 private and 1000 government establishments employ approximately 6 million people.

The industry is highly competitive and requires highly educated individuals with financial expertise to be successful. In addition to providing banking services and insurance, these businesses also offer value-added services that provide customers with a unique experience. This can help attract more customers and increase revenue. Non-operating revenue, such as grants and donations, can also be added to the bottom line of financial service companies. The growth of this industry is expected to continue over the next few years, offering many opportunities for career advancement.

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